
In one area advisers can view the details of all their Dentons SIPP clients. The Dashboard is a simple overview showing the Cash Account Balance and Total Notional Plan Valuation for each client, with more detailed information quickly available. Direct clients are also able to view their individual SIPP information online.


An overview of all the assets held by each client with daily downloads from various companies including Cater Allen, Selftrade and Investec Wealth and Investment. A pie chart enables advisers to quickly view the holding of different assets within a client's account.


If your client is in flexible drawdown, UFPLS or capped drawdown, advisers can view what client benefits have been taken, when and how frequently.

Contributions & transfers

Contributions are shown for the current tax year and for each tax year from 2017/18. Which can help advisers assess if carry forward may be applicable for their client. View all transfers both in and out of a client’s SIPP account.

Member documents

In one area advisers can view a clients SIPP documents including bank statements, trust deeds, benefits reviews and annual statements as well as a range of general SIPP documents such as fee schedules, key features and terms of business.

Member details

Additional information about each client is available including whether a client’s fund is protected against the lifetime allowance, the latest date an Expression of wishes form was completed and the ability to download documents.

Web portal features

We use the latest technology to provide online access to clients' key SIPP data including:

  • a list of all current assets with valuation dates
  • daily valuation of the default bank account
  • daily valuation downloads from companies such as Ascentric, Barclays, Brown Shipley, Investec Wealth & Investment and LGT Vestra - showing notional valuations. We continue to work with other providers and through our links with Intelligence Office to build on this service.
  • contributions made during the current year and each tax year from 2017/18
  • transfers into and out of the plan
  • benefits taken – with details of uncrystallised funds pension lump sum (UFPLS), flexi-access drawdown or capped drawdown
  • view all Plan documentation including bank statements, trust deeds, benefit reviews and annual statements as well as a range of general SIPP documents such as fee schedules, key features and terms of business.

If advisers have more than one client, they’ll find a dashboard showing all their accounts in alphabetical order (it’s the small details that count) alongside Cash Account Balances and Total Notional Plan Valuations for each client.

You can connect with us at any time too. All client details show the name of the administrator of the plan with a direct email address and telephone number.

Ready to find out more?
Speak to an expert today.

Whatever your retirement needs, one of our experts will be happy to discuss how we can help you achieve your goals.
