We would strongly encourage you to seek regulated financial advice before making any decisions. Dentons will not provide advice on the suitability of investments but reserves the right to refuse to hold any proposed investment in the SIPP. 

Funds and equities

  • Stocks and shares listed or dealt on any HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) recognised stock exchange, including:
    • equities
    • fixed interest securities issued by governments or other entities
    • debenture stock and other loan stock
    • permanent interest bearing shares
    • convertible securities
  • Alternative Investment Market (AIM)*
  • Authorised open ended investment companies (OEICs)
  • Authorised unit trusts that do not hold residential property
  • Equities traded on a recognised overseas stock exchange
  • Exchange traded funds (ETFs) (Legal Entity Identifiers may be required)
  • Offshore funds recognised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
  • Shares in investment trusts
  • Trustee investment plans.

*Although shares on the AIM market are not treated as listed on a recognised stock exchange, we treat AIM listed shares as a standard asset and therefore there is no restriction on the amount that can be held. However, before we will accept AIM shares within our schemes, they must be referred to our Dentons Investment Committee for approval. Please email: technical@dentonspensions.co.uk

Other assets

  • Depositary interests (including CREST depositary interests)
  • Real estate investment trusts (REITs)

Unacceptable assets

Assets outside of those listed here, which includes opening an additional deposit account, will not be allowable for the single portfolio SIPP. Should you wish to invest in other assets, you will need to consider the Dentons full asset SIPP which provides a wide range of investment opportunities.

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