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About Dentons Pensions

Address: Sutton House, Weyside Park, Catteshall Lane, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 1XE
Telephone: 01483 521 521
Fax: 01483 521 515

Dentons Pension Management Limited: is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
Registered in England & Wales company Registration Number: 02352951
FCA Registration number: 461094
Data Protection number for the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO): Z6248111
Registered Office: Sutton House, Weyside Park, Catteshall Lane, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 1XE
VAT number: 863 1639 14.

Dentons Pensions is the Provider and Scheme Administrator for our SIPPs. The principal permission granted to Dentons by the FCA is for the establishment, operation and winding up of personal pension schemes. While authorised to control client money, Dentons is not authorised to hold such funds on its own account. The assets bought by the SIPP are legally owned by the co-trustees.

Dentons has the following bare trustee companies: 

  • Denton & Co. Trustees Limited Registered in England. Company Registration Number 01939029
  • Sippchoice Trustees Limited Registered in England. Company Registration Number 0686979
  • NTS Trustees Limited Registered in England. Company Registration Number 01407848
  • TP Trustees Limited Registered in England. Company Registration Number 02604059
  • Fairmount Trustee Services Limited Registered in England. Company Registration Number 01909678
  • M.A.B. Trustee Company Limited Registered in England. Company Registration Number 01604556.

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