In our first Assessment Report from AKG Financial Analytics Limited (AKG), Dentons Pensions has been awarded a ‘B (Strong)’ financial strength rating. 

AKG is an independent organisation which for over 30 years has assisted financial advisers with their understanding of a company’s operational financial strength.

In awarding the ‘B (Strong)’ rating, AKG’s Report included the following summary:

  • Dentons Pensions has operated in the self invested pension market for 45 years, with an established and experienced senior leadership team, further enhanced by management succession in recent years
  • Dentons states that it achieves the highest standards of service through efficient administration processes, which are continually reviewed and updated
  • Its pension consultants are supported by experienced pension administrators to look after all aspects of a client’s retirement provision. All work is undertaken by a specific team rather than a departmental approach, offering bespoke individual administration services and support.
  • Dentons is informed and guided by its good understanding of the needs and challenges for financial advisers and clients. The business has no ties to any fund manager or insurance company, so clients are able to invest into their pension funds from a wide range of asset classes compatible with HMRC and FCA regulations.
  • Dentons has a good reputation as a professional and efficient specialist pension administrator and continues to grow organically through word of mouth and suitable acquisitions, remaining focused on delivering exceptional service and flexibility

A copy of our full AKG Assessment Report is available from us: please get in touch if you would like us to send this to you.

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