As your self invested personal pension (SIPP) value grows, our flat fees become a lower percentage of your fund value, unlike the situation when fees are calculated as a percentage of the fund value. For example:

SIPP Product Full asset SIPP Single portfolio SIPP
SIPP Value £450,000 £450,000
Annual Administration Fee £714 £492
Admin. Fee & VAT £856.80 £590.40
% of SIPP Value 0.19% 0.13%

Please note: All fees are subject to VAT. The actual fees you will pay for your SIPP will vary depending on your investment choices and upon the amount of work Dentons is required to undertake to ensure the smooth running of the SIPP.

Single portfolio SIPP Fee example:

If your only investment is in a single portfolio with an investment manager, platform provider or stockbroker that is on Dentons approved list1 and does not include any non-standard funds and/or assets, the listed SIPP fees would apply2:

Year one:

Product Single portfolio SIPP Single portfolio SIPP
SIPP Value £300,000 £450,000
Establishment Fee £350 £350
Transfer In Fee £75 £75
Annual Administration £492 £492
Listed Fees £917 £917
Listed Fees & VAT £1,100.40 £1,100.40
% of SIPP Value 0.37% 0.24%

Year two:

Product Single portfolio SIPP Single portfolio SIPP
SIPP Value £300,000 £450,000
Annual Administration £492 £492
Listed Fees & VAT £590.40 £590.40
% of SIPP Value 0.20% 0.13%

Please note: Other SIPP fees will apply for ongoing administration services.
Single Investment Account Fee Case Study

Commercial property investment fee example:

If you invest and acquire a commercial property using a SIPP, the listed SIPP fees would apply:

Year one: 

Product Full asset SIPP Full asset SIPP
SIPP Value £300,000 £650,000
Establishment Fee £350 £350
Transfer In Fee £75 £75
Property Purchase £990 £990
HMRC Scheme Return £70 £70
Annual Administration £714 £714
Listed Fees £2,199 £2,199
Listed Fees & VAT £2,638.80 £2,638.80
% of SIPP Value 0.88% 0.41%

Year two:

Product Full asset SIPP  Full asset SIPP
SIPP Value £300,000 £650,000
Annual Administration £714 £714
HMRC Scheme Return £70 £70
Listed Fees & VAT £1,442 £1,442
% of SIPP Value 0.48% 0.22%

Establishing a Commercial Property SIPP Fee Case Study

Please note: The above examples are simplified versions - the actual fees you will pay for your SIPP will vary depending on your investment choices and upon the amount of work Dentons is required to undertake to ensure the smooth running of the SIPP.

1Dentons will not provide advice on the suitability of investments, we reserve the right to refuse to hold any proposed investment within your SIPP.

2The single investment option will only apply where a single investment manager of platform is chosen for a minimum of 12 months from the establishment of the SIPP and is pre-accepted by Dentons. Where the lower SIPP fee applies, if you subsequently decide to choose other investments within 12 months of establishment of your SIPP, the higher Standard administration charge will apply from that date along with a charge for the setting up of the initial investment portfolio or platform.

3SIPP Fees for a property purchase are calculated on a time-cost basis with a minimum charge of £990. Dentons will apply a fee for ongoing property administration for ensuring rental invoices are issued, rental monies are collected and that the property is appropriately insured and other property administration is required. The property administration is charged on a time cost basis.

How are the SIPP fees paid?

The establishment fee is normally deducted once the SIPP is set up. Fees for administrative services will be invoiced to the SIPP and deducted from the SIPP bank account half yearly in arrears.

Dentons' SIPP fees can be paid personally rather than having them deducted from the default bank account.

What happens if there is not enough cash in the SIPP to cover the fees?

If there are insufficient funds in your SIPP to meet the fees for administrative services, you will be liable to pay for these personally.

Where can I find your SIPP fee charges?

The default list of Dentons' current SIPP fees, please refer to our SIPP Fee Schedule.

full asset sIPP Fee Schedule  single portfolio sipp fee schedule

Please note: The value of investments can go down as well as up so you may not get back what you invest. Eligibility to invest in a SIPP and tax treatment depends on your circumstances and tax rules may change in the future.

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