Here to help.

SIPP & SSAS Provider Due Diligence

Discover why Dentons Pensions is a trusted provider for SIPP and SSAS with our commitment to transparency, security, and regulatory compliance. Learn more about our due diligence process.
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Relevant Benefit Crystallisation Events

When coming to drawdown your pension, the scheme administrator will run a relevant benefit crystallisation event (RBCE). Here we explore this complex area and how it works in practice.
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Pension Contributions

A guide to permitted contribution allowances, lifetime allowance protections and tax relief.
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Death benefits

How a SIPP can support a family even after the scheme member has passed away.
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Lump Sum Allowance

The lump sum allowance (LSA) is the upper limit set at £1,073,100 (unless forms of protection are in place for the scheme member) that a beneficiary can receive the benefits tax free.
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Online developments

We've always worked hard to use the latest technology to enable advisers and clients to have instant online access to the most up-to-date investment valuations and SIPP client information, wherever possible, and to streamline processes through the use of online platforms.
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Retirement options

These include capped drawdown, flexi-access drawdown, uncrystallised funds pension lump sums (UFPLS) and phased benefits.
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Genuinely diverse commercial vehicles

This includes Unit Trusts, Open Ended Investment Companies and other pooled arrangements.
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Taxable property

Apart from some very specific exceptions, SIPP and SSAS schemes are not permitted to invest in taxable property, directly or indirectly.
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Unauthorised payments

A payment by a SIPP or SSAS that is not authorised is an ‘unauthorised payment’ and is likely to give rise to tax charges on the member(s) and the pension scheme (via the Scheme Administrator), and in the case of a SSAS, the sponsoring employer. There will also be a tax charge where a pension scheme exceeds the borrowing limit.
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Webinars & short SIPP/SSAS videos

In this section we have compiled the recordings of our popular webinars on a range of self invested personal pension (SIPP) and small self administered scheme (SSAS) subjects.
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